Ariel Cantara suffered the misfortune of working as a nanny under the regime of Kate Gosselin. Past tense. Girl up and quit! Why? Because Kate's a control freak.
"Kate is not the easiest person to deal with," an insider tells Life & Style. "She drove Ariel insane. Kate's controlling and a neat freak. No wonder Ariel quit."
Ariel isn't the first nanny to give Kate the kiss-off, either. At this rate, Kate may soon have to - gasp! - actually be a parent and available to her offspring.

"You just work. You do what Kate says she needs you to do."
Jon Gosselin's arrangement with her was similar at least.
The upside of Ariel bailing? Saving money. The downside? No one to watch the kids during Kate's marathon salon appointments and attempts to be famous.
"Kate is just not available," says the insider. "She never plays with them and is constantly busy with her affairs. That's why she always needs a nanny!"
Poor Mady, Cara, Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah and Joel.
"Kate is not the easiest person to deal with," an insider tells Life & Style. "She drove Ariel insane. Kate's controlling and a neat freak. No wonder Ariel quit."
Ariel isn't the first nanny to give Kate the kiss-off, either. At this rate, Kate may soon have to - gasp! - actually be a parent and available to her offspring.

THE WICKED WITCH OF EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA: Crazy Kate Gosselin drives the nannies away like ... well, like she did her husband. No one can hang.
"She has gone through 11 nannies and tons of helpers in the past few years," a source says. "Shifts can last up to 24 hours, and you have to go on trips with the family. Sleepovers are often required, and there is no schedule with days off.""You just work. You do what Kate says she needs you to do."
Jon Gosselin's arrangement with her was similar at least.
The upside of Ariel bailing? Saving money. The downside? No one to watch the kids during Kate's marathon salon appointments and attempts to be famous.
"Kate is just not available," says the insider. "She never plays with them and is constantly busy with her affairs. That's why she always needs a nanny!"
Poor Mady, Cara, Alexis, Hannah, Aaden, Collin, Leah and Joel.
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