Carey Mulligan and Tom Sturridge have been spotted getting friendly all over Los Angeles this week, and we’re dying to know if this two-person Brit Pack is more than just friends. Because, ya know, that would mean double dates with Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are inevitable! Here’s what our horoscope partner Moonit has to say about the new couple: According to their birth dates, Carey (born May 28, 1985) and Tom (born December 21, 1985) are a “match made in heaven.” Have you ever heard the expression, “if you love something, set it free…?” Yeah, well, that’s a load of garbage. In this case, it’s more like “if you love something, grab onto it with both hands and don’t let go.” Their relationship assessment reveals Carrie and Tom have it all: they’re “physically attracted to each other, they provide each other with unwavering emotional support, and they dig each other’s vibe.” It basically “looks like they’re perfectly matched.” Carrie and Tom are both “great at identifying with each other, they instinctively understand each other’s needs and moods, and they can practically finish each other’s sentences.” It’s essentially like “dating your best friend…who you want to see naked.” So does this mean we’re allowed to squee about Murridge (what do you think? CarStu?)? It certainly sounds like the pair would be perfect together - let’s just hope something’s going down at Carey’s Best Western suite!
Twi-Star Ashley Greene and Jo-Bro Joe Jonas are a match made in million-dollar-franchise heaven. But there’s one person who isn’t all for it: Joe’s mom, Denise. According to a friend of the family, Mrs. Jonas is a little uneasy with how fast their relationship has moved in the last five months. Just recently Joe flew to Baton Rouge to visit Ashley on the set of Breaking Dawn. Ashley has been following Joe on his cross-country tour, and this week traveled all the way to Columbia to meet up with him. The fact that they’ve been spotted getting cozy in public without Joe’s famous purity ring probably didn’t endear her to the devoutly religious Jonas parents. And that naked Sobe ad couldn’t have helped. Or those other naked pics. Or the fact that she plays a vampire, and they traditionally fear the cross. Sure Joe’s a bit of a “man about town,” famously stepping out with wholesome-seeming sweeties like Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato and Camilla Belle. But a source tells that Ashley is different. “Normally he’s the one calling the shots, but now Ashley’s the one leading the relationship. She’s edgier and older than Joe’s other girlfriends and his mom isn’t thrilled about the situation.” Well, she’s certainly “edgier.” It’s hard to imagine Taylor Swift hitting up a sex shop (no offense, T-Swift). “She’s trying to give Ashley a shot,” the insider continues, “But things are a little strained.” Awww, poor Mrs. Jonas. Her little boy is growing up. But there comes a time in every young man’s life where he runs off to Louisiana with a vampiress. Let’s hope she comes around. [Photo: Splash News Online]
Rachael Ray’s talk show will be partially broadcast in 3D today, the first time ever that a talk show has used 3D technology. That’s news that will excite only that small Venn Diagram of E.V.O.O. lovers who also keep 3D glasses on hand at home. (Seriously - are you people walking out of Avatar with your glasses in your purse or what? Who owns these things for real?) For the Halloween episode of the show, Ray and her husband John Cusimano dressed at Roger Rabbit and Jessica Rabbit - will that make the number of people who are excited to watch diminish even further? Or will having all that va-va-va-voom so in your face that you want to reach out and touch the air in front of you entice viewers? Personally this photo of Ray is about all we can stand of her for one day, but the woman is apparently a national treasure. So, who here plans to watch and can weigh in on the theatrics?
It’s been a whirlwind day for LeAnn Rimes and “other women” everywhere as news came that Editor-In-Chief Valerie Latona issued an apology for Rimes’ October Shape cover story. Responding to readers peeved over LeAnn’s story of adultery with current boyfriend Eddie Cibrian, Latona issued a statement explaining: “Please know that our putting her on the cover was not meant to put a husband-stealer on a pedestal-but to show (through her story) how we all are human. And this woman in particular found strength in exercise in what she said was her most difficult personal moment.” Remarkable that some readers wouldn’t like the idea of a toned, blond Grammy winner luring away someone’s husband and using a magazine article to talk about it. We mean, who doesn’t like a little betrayal with their reverse crunches? Said Latona, the article “did not come across that way… And for that I’m terribly sorry.” If you recall, a married Rimes started dating Cibrian before he divorced his wife Brandi Glanville, leaving him torn between two women. Though given that Glanville was just arrested for DUI today, the decision between the two may not have been as emotionally grueling as we might think. Latona has since backpedaled on her apology, insisting that, “The fact is a mere 40 readers out of almost 6 million readers wrote in to complain calling LeAnn a ‘husband stealer’ and a ‘terrible mistake for Shape.’ I wrote to those women apologizing that our cover choice did not make them happy – as I have done for other cover stars in the past.” Yikes, how many home wreckers has Shape had on their covers? That seems like a pretty specific niche to try and sell people. Claims Latona, “My comments have been taken out of context. I used the words of the few unhappy readers who wrote in.” She continues, “I stand by the fact that LeAnn’s story is compelling – and her courage and strength in the face of so much adversity is compelling. That is why I put her on the cover of Shape for what is now the third time.” Thank you! Finally someone is coming out to acknowledge the struggle that all husband-stealers must face. It’s not easy to get in good enough shape to snatch a married man. We have to work at it. We mean…they have to work at it. They. Not us. [Photo: Getty Images]
Every October a stream of pictures roll in of various celebrities out at something called the Mr. Bones Pumpkin Patch in Los Angeles. Now look, we live in New York City, where we buy pumpkins at the grocery store like every other regular person. Obviously we’re a bit clueless as to how people do things in LA (Cars? What are those?) but we have to imagine there are other places to buy pumpkins in the greater Los Angeles area than just the paparazzi-filled Mr. Bones. Which can only mean one thing…THIS is where celebrities go to be seen in October! Whether you’re Shauna Sands and you are trying to draw attention to your rubber breasts by holding pumpkins in front of them, or you’re Christina Aguilera and you want to deflect attention from your crumbling career and marriage, there is only one place for you: Mr. Bone’s Pumpkin patch, where the only thing scarier than the paparazzi are the celebrities posing for them.
The first rule in journalism: always consider your source. In case the cupcake bras didn’t give it away, we can now say for certain that Katy Perry is a beast in the sack. How do we know? Because we’ve been told by noted Katy Perry expert, Katy Perry. “Like Ludacris rapped, ‘I’m a lady in the street and a freak in the bed,’” the new Mrs. Russell Brand told Now Magazine. “I can’t rate myself, but if you ask Russell I’m sure he’d give me a ten out of ten.” *Tooooooooot toooooooooooot* Sorry, that’s just the sound of Katy Perry’s horn. But Russell would be a good one to judge, as the comedian has an award winning sex life. Really. He was voted Britain’s Shagger of the Year three years running back in 2006, 2007, and 2008. It looks like he gave up the crown after he met Katy at the 2009 VMA’s. Aww, the sacrifices he made for love/sex. Spoiler alert: the couple married last weekend. Despite his sordid past, Katy isn’t worried about her new husband returning to his wild ways. “He’s made no secret of what his life was like before me, but that’s then and this is the future. He’s cheated in the past but he knows how good he has it with me and I know he’d never do anything to jeopardize that. I trust him 100 percent.” [Photo: WENN Images]
Modern Family is such a cute, funny show; it was only a matter of time before it insulted an entire nationality. The word is Peruvians are angry with Modern Family’s Sofia Vergara for a joke that had Peru as the punchline…and they want an explanation. The joke came in response to the character Jay (Ed O’Neill) gearing up to riff on Columbia, his wife’s homeland. Vergara’s character Sofia rants, “Ah, here we go. Because, in Colombia, we trip over goats and we kill people in the street. Do you know how offensive that is? Like we’re Peruvians!” Hoo boy, that is…not family friendly. In response to the slur, Beatriz Merino, head of the People’s Defender’s Office in Peru, wants a response from the U.S. Ambassador, saying “No country should have to be offended.” Agrees Milagros Lizarraga, founder of Peruvian social network Peru USA Southern Ca, “It’s incredible that in a country where everything is politically correct, ABC would have a line of this sort.” Everything is PC? Watch Glee and that idea will disappear before the first commercial break, believe us. But it’s Vergara, not Modern Family’s writers, that is bearing the brunt of their anger. Said Lizarraga, “Many Peruvians think this is no coincidence, that she knew what she was saying, because an actress has the power to say, ‘No, I can’t say this because it would hurt my image. Unless she agrees with what she said.” Again, we have to say, we don’t think that’s how show biz works, at least if the musical Fame is any indication. Vergara tweeted in response to several of her detractors, pointing out that it was her character who said the offending line, not her and, well, saying people’s ignorance made her laugh: “la ignorancia de creer que una actriz es el personaje que representa ,que ternurita,dan mucha risa jajaja.” While this isn’t a hard and fast rule, celebrities, keep in mind: using Twitter to address an international crisis? Rarely a good idea. [Photo: WENN]
After she confirmed yesterday that she does in fact have a bun in the oven, we immediately started fantasizing about the plunging necklines and clinging fabrics of Mariah Carey’s inevitably fabulous maternity wear. Husband Nick Cannon, however, dreams only of getting Mariah out of heels and into flats. At first, we didn’t approve of the idea. Would you paint a rainbow a sensible beige? Would you have a peacock put on a conservative blazer? Then why make Mariah Carey walk on the ground with the rest of us mortals when she should be 4-to-6 inches higher than everyone else? But then we realized…if Nick doesn’t intervene early, Mariah will be nine months pregnant and still teetering precariously on 5-inch Jimmy Choos. So we’re willing to consider it. Explained Cannon on his radio show with Mariah as a call-in guest, “I go into the closet searching for some flats for my wife … She got a lot of damn shoes — it’s like a frickin’ Macy’s. [And] Mariah Carey does not own one pair of flat shoes.” Mariah sensibly pointed out, “To be fair, I had some boots from Aspen, some Dior boots.” But Nick wasn’t going to let Carey get away with seeming like less of a diva than she really is: “Ski boots!”, he exclaimed. This story is confirming every fabulous, insane thing we always suspected about Mariah…and we could not be happier. Admitted Carey, “And then we did find some flats and then they were a regular ballet slipper, like a beige, and I was like, ‘I don’t think so.’” Why not just put a garbage bag on your foot at that point, we’d argue. Nick was pretty pleased with himself for helping with the wardrobe transformation: “Basically, I got Mariah Carey, the high-heel queen, to put on some flats. And this is amazing. I’m going shoe shopping today, needless to say, to buy you some flat shoes.” We wouldn’t get too cocky, Nick. God only help you if Mariah finds out they make heels for babies now. [Photo: Splash News Online]
Capri Anderson is getting ready to drop a legal bomb on Charlie Sheen -- TMZ has learned the porn star is planning to sue Charlie for the events that went down during his hotel meltdown in NYC.
Sources close to Anderson tell TMZ ... she believes Charlie was acting so crazy in his hotel room at The Plaza Hotel on Tuesday morning -- that she felt her life was in danger ... and she also felt like she was being held in the room against her will.
As we previously reported, Charlie tore the room apart -- busting a chair and causing damage to several hotel items. Capri ended up locking herself in the bathroom and calling hotel security.
Capri claims Charlie also threatened her in the hotel room, although she made no mention of this to NYC cops when they interviewed her about the incident.
FYI -- law enforcement sources tell us officials have no plans to file charges against Charlie.
Madonna: singer, dancer, actor, author . . . and now gym entrepreneur. Photograph: Sipa Press/Rex Features Expansionist news from Madonna, now, who this week announced that she is to open a global chain of gyms. Or, more accurately, "a one-of-a-kind experience merging fitness with entertainment". "Our goal is to create an environment inspired by Madonna's vision and high standards of what the ideal gym would be," trilled her business manager, who added that the first branch will open in Mexico City next month. "Hard Candy Fitness will be a reflection of Madonna's point of view and will reflect her input on every detail including music space, light and other design cues. Madonna's touch will be everywhere." Well, of course it will – after all, there is nothing to which this renaissance woman cannot turn her hand. It wasn't so long ago, you might remember, that Madonna was badgering the UK government for facetime, explaining that she was "working with a group of scientists" who had solved the problem of nuclear waste (apparently, they'd poured some £4-a-bottle Kabbalah water into a lake within the Chernobyl exclusion zone and it had neutralised all the radiation). Downing Street and Whitehall were too blinkered to see the light, of course – but we must wish milady luck with this subsequent project. Nuclear science's loss looks to have been aerobics's gain.
Derek Acorah: predicting the future for the celebrities.And so to television medium Derek Acorah, who has sweetly broken off from giving vulnerable people messages from their dead children to promote his live tour in OK!. Talking to the magazine, Derek has stuck that spotless reputation of his on the line with a series of predictions about the futures of various celebrities. Peter Andre "will marry in a white suit", hazards Derek, countering prevailing opinion that St Pete will pitch up to his next wedding in a classically understated morning coat, while "something major" will happen to Victoria Beckham. "She'll become revered, an almost Princess Di-like figure." But it is in contemplating Katie Price that our leading charlatan finds his most empathetic form. "Just after Christmas," he declares, "she'll lose it in public and need therapy at the deepest level." Mmm. Do you think Derek would care to put even 10 pence of this money where his mouth is? You see, my own sixth sense is that it doesn't look great when one's craft is being questioned by Kerry Katona – comfortably one of the most suggestible creatures in showbiz. "There wasn't much detail in there," sniffs Kerry of his prediction for her. "He basically just repeated what's in the press, to be honest . . ."
Charles Saatchi and Nigella Lawson, incensed by a planned conversion next door, have decided to sell their £36m Chelsea home. Photograph: Ikon Pictures/Rex Features What are you doing right now? If you're anything like me, you'll be huddling around a burning picture of George Osborne, eating Spam and crying. However, if you're razzle-dazzle Chelsea footballer Frank Lampard, you'll probably be drawing up outlandish plans to turn your basement into a swimming pool, cinema and gym, much to the annoyance of your well-to-do neighbours. Forget space tourism and blood diamonds – the latest way to flaunt your wealth is to build your very own underground Batcave. In London's Chelsea and Belgravia, where property is at such a premium that even Russian oligarchs struggle to make the rent, millionaires are going underground. After all, digging down to convert the basement is cheaper than buying more land, and provides space for their home IMAX theatres and Swarovski-encrusted velodromes. Snazzy basements are de rigueur. Actually, Andrew Lloyd Webber, the UK's most famous cellar dweller, has got two, which he's knocked together to make a gigantic super-fabulous luvvie bunker. He probably sits down there all day at the piano, picking his nose and humming Memory. Oh, how the other half live. The only drawback is that basement conversions are rather controversial, even among the 10 people in Britain who can afford them. Aside from the possibility of finding a forgotten Chilean miner while you're plumbing in the en suite, the neighbours absolutely hate them because of the endless noise, dust and displaced rats. It seems that no matter how rich and famous you are, basement conversions are a vulgar irritant – a posh version of Jack and Vera Duckworth's stone cladding. To get a sense of how emotive "basementing" has become, witness the effect it's had on Charles Saatchi. Charles and his wife, Nigella Lawson, are so incensed by a planned garden conversion next door that they've decided to sell their £36m Chelsea home. Already furious that scaffolding for another renovation project was obscuring his view of Nigella's Milky Bar and Potato Waffle cheesecake, Saatchi ordered some workmen to remove the eyesore, reportedly damaging £50,000 worth of marble tiles in the process. (In Eaton Square, chipping one's marble is worse than murdering one's puppy.) In fact, the fashion for basement conversions is getting so out of hand that earlier this month an overloaded skip in Belgravia sank into the Earth's core – an ominous symbol of this country's collapse if I ever saw one. Of course, if you were being frightfully generous, you could say that basement conversions are one of those "we're all in this together" money-saving compromises that the Tories are always on about. The rich forgo a few windows in their billiards room; we sleep rough in a supermarket trolley, using the Littlewoods catalogue as a blanket. It's all part of the "big society", with everyone working together to get through these difficult times. However, for most people with real jobs and mortgages, these subterranean displays of extreme wealth set a disturbing trend. If the super-rich are retreating like demented foxes into their underground lairs, expanding their palatial townhouses ever downwards, where does that leave the rest of us? The middle classes can hardly extend their mortgages, let alone convert the cupboard under the stairs into a boutique nightclub. For them, property aspiration came to standstill somewhere between Kirstie Allsopp becoming a Tory housing adviser and Sarah Beeny's seminal show Help Me, My House Is Minging! Add to that barely manageable debts, tumbling house prices and an extinct buy-to-let market, and the middle classes have had to give up their fetish for property. No more painting everything white for a quick sale or worrying about kerb appeal. Instead they've got to make the best of what they've got – frantically covering up the damp in the study with posters of Benedict Cumberbatch. Then there are poor people. Even if they wanted to add an attractive conservatory to their cardboard box, they wouldn't be able to afford the bulldog clips from Staples. They would have to borrow the money off a loan shark at 3,367% APR, and then their benefits will be cut anyway and their cardboard box recycled to become limited edition Smythson diaries. If the "Kosovo-style social cleansing" that London mayor Boris Johnson predicts actually happens, there will be nowhere for those affected by the caps on housing benefits to go. Like those displaced basement rats, impoverished Londoners will soon be fleeing into the streets in search of food and shelter. With thousands of people reduced to Baldrick-esque peasant status, a subsiding skip in Belgravia will become the most sought-after place to sleep in town. This will no doubt cause the rich to retreat and become virtually invisible, conducting their business strictly below stairs. Lawson will have gone to live in a £40m-Beatrix Potter rabbit hole in the country with Flopsy, Mopsy and Saatchi. Lloyd Webber will communicate with the world via furious letters to Transport for London, complaining that the vibrations from the District Line are disrupting tiffin. Above ground, the capital will be lawless, nothing but a smoking wreck of crumbling slums, potholes, closed libraries and desperate people chewing their own legs off. Happily, the solution is staring us in the face. If Lampard and Lloyd Webber's underground conversions are as roomy and fabulous as they sound, there should be plenty of space to accommodate every member the 17,000 London households who will be affected by benefit cuts. Just think – they could turn Christine Bleakley's teeth-whitening suite into a playroom for the children. Convert the reclining home cinema seats into beds for the elderly. Transform Lloyd Webber's walk-in trophy cabinet into a progressive, non-denominational school. It could be social utopia down there – rich and poor living as one, with everyone queuing up in the morning to use Lampard's gold toilet. Just as long as nobody tries to claim single person's housing benefit on a £750,000 basement conversion in Chelsea, it should all work out fine.
Lady Gaga and Snooki sightings will run rampant across the country this Halloween.
Gaga, known for her outrageous outfits and killer heels, is the No. 1 most-requested celebrity Halloween costume in America, followed by the guidos and the guidettes of The Jersey Shore.
"Lady Gaga and Jersey Shore have been our top sellers," said an employee at the novelty store Ricky's NY. "Of the Shore cast, Snooki has been the top. Everyone is coming in to find black wigs and Bump-Its."
Adds Kristin Stroud of Campus Costume in Bloomington, Ind., "A lot of people have been buying orange body paint from us for their Snooki costume."
"I messed up," Eddie Cibrian's ex-wife Tweeted on Friday following her DUI arrest. "I take full responsibility for my actions. I regret my bad choice, and am thankful to God that no one got hurt. I'm sorry."
Glanville was released from jail at 8:30 a.m. Friday after being pulled over on Sunset Boulevard in Beverly Hills.
Glanville was in the news last year when her then-husband Cibrian made public his relationship with country star LeAnn Rimes, who at the time was married to Dean Sheremet. Both marriages collapsed and Cibrian remains with Rimes.
Although two of the four judges argued against her collection on Thursday's heated season finale of Project Runway, winner Gretchen Jones isn't offended.
"At that point, I was just pretty elated that I even got to present on national TV," she tells PEOPLE. "I feel proud that Michael Kors and Nina Garcia fought for me and could see my potential. They're both huge industry leaders, and it means a lot to me."
Kors and Garcia went head-to-head with host Heidi Klum and guest judge Jessica Simpson, both of whom fought hard for fan favorite Mondo Guerra, who presented a youthful, colorful runway show. "His collection was really true to Mondo," Jones says. "It really showed his potential as a designer, and I'm proud of him for staying true to himself, because that is more important than anything else. He's going to go far."
Jones, an early favorite, was somewhat vilified as the season went on, and at times, saw her fellow designers turn against her. "I knew there was a risk . . . you can be portrayed however the producers care to do it. It's TV – we all need an antagonist, an underdog, in order to fulfill our desire to watch."
And even though the results of one group challenge prompted normally mellow mentor Tim Gunn to call Jones a "bully," she takes the bad press in stride. "It hurt my feelings, but in a way it helped me to have more exposure, because I was talked about, whether you liked me or not," she says. "I know in my heart I'm a good person."
With the Season 8 win under her stylish belt, Jones plans to move to New York City soon to "move forward with the opportunity that will hopefully present itself," she says. "I'd love to get a mentorship with someone the likes of Michael Kors, someone that can guide me into being the designer I want to be."
The move will also allow her to leave a tough recent past behind, one that included an empty bank account and broken relationship.
"I've really embraced this transitional time. Having a true 'phoenix rising from the ashes' moment is not something many people get," she says. "I don't have anything holding me back, and in actuality, that is a luxury. It'll make me a brighter version of myself, and that will translate into my future designs."
One of country music's longest-lasting couples have called it quits.
After 19 years, Randy Travis, 51, and his manager/wife Elizabeth "Lib" Travis have ended their marriage."The divorce was finalized as of this morning," spokesperson Maureen O'Connor confirmed to PEOPLE on Friday.
The couple filed a petition for dissolution of marriage in Santa Fe, NM. The court papers say a "state of incompatibility exists between the two parties," the Associated Press reports.
In a statement, the rep says, "Elizabeth and Randy Travis have agreed to part ways. Elizabeth will remain Mr. Travis' personal manager. They do not intend to comment any further and ask for your respect for their privacy during this time."
The pair married in secret in 1991 after dating for more than a decade.
Elizabeth has been credited with turning around both Randy's life and career.
She saved him from a five-year prison stint for breaking into a convenience store. Convincing the judge to release him into her custody, Randy lived with Elizabeth and her then-husband.
Already unhappy in her former marriage at the time, Elizabeth has said, "Randy might have given me the courage to leave a bad situation, but Randy did not break up the marriage."
Elizabeth further guided Randy's career, with Randy once saying, "She is energetic, witty, intelligent – and very kindhearted."
Couple Billy Ray Cyrus and Tish Cyrus ask for prayers in difficult time
Miley Cyrus is dating actor Liam Hemsworth
Miley Cyrus's parents have announced their separation after 17 years of marriage. Billy Ray Cyrus, 49, and Tish Cyrus filed for divorce on Wednesday in Tennessee. They have cited irreconcilable differences.
'As you can imagine, this is a very difficult time for our family,' reads a joint statement. 'We are trying to work through some personal matters. We appreciate your thoughts and prayers.' Billy and Tish got married in 1992. They are parents to Hannah Montana actress Miley, 17, Braison, 16, and Noah, 10. Tish is also mum to Brandi and Trace from a previous marriage.
X Factor finalist Katie Waissel is considering pulling out of show because of hate campaign
Katie Waissel is being mentored by Cheryl Cole on The X Factor 2010
X Factor finalist Katie Waissel has been receiving death threats. The singer's dad Maurice says she's being bombarded by online hate mail. 'I've had Katie sobbing on the phone to me every night,' he explains. 'She's had death threats sent to her over the internet, and we've had to ask the police to intervene.' Katie - who is being mentored by Cheryl Cole, 27 - is even considering pulling out of The X Factor now. 'Only the other night, Katie said to me, "Dad, what's the point in going on if everyone hates me?"' Maurice tells The Sun. Fans have rounded on Katie, 24, after she was picked ahead of Gamu Nhengu, 18, during the judges' homes stage, despite breaking down during her performance.
Royal Prince Harry said to be a huge fan of Girls Aloud star Cheryl Cole
Cheryl Cole is mentoring the girls on The X Factor 2010
Prince Harry loves to watch Cheryl Cole on The X Factor and he's reportedly asked to meet her behind-the-scenes for a bit of a chat. 'Weirdly they have a friend in common and Harry requested the direct email address of one of her management,' a source reveals. 'He fired off a series of missives, requesting time with Cheryl and some tickets to The X Factor... 'A visit to the Fountain Studios in Wembley, where the show is filmed, has been arranged.' Cheryl, 27, is thought to be excited about being introduced to royalty. 'She is massively flattered and naturally keen on meeting the Prince,' a source tells the Daily Mirror. 'She thinks he sounds like a really good guy.'
Josie Gibson really working out hard to get turbo body
Josie Gibson has been training hard
Big Brother 11 star Josie Gibson is off to boot camp this weekend - without lover John James Parton. The Bristol babe has been training hard with Paulette Sybliss for weeks and now they're both off for 2 days of really tough body-toning. '[Josie] has left poor johny james at home and is off to boot camp wiv @pfitness1 til monday. Owww,' Josie Tweets. A qualified fitness trainer certified in nutrition and healthy eating, Paulette's Your Body In Motion regime promises to help get 'those toned looking turbo body abdominals that will make you the diva deluxe of the beach'.
Christina Aguilera has wasted no time in moving forward following her split with hubby Jordan Bratman. On 12 October - just hours after the split was announced - lesbian-to-the-stars Samantha Ronson, 33, was pictured leaving Christina's Beverly Hills mansion at 2am. Now's insider says the pair have been inseparable since hooking up at Nicole Richie's party in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, last month. ‘Everyone thinks she left Jordan because he was holding back her career, but that's not true,' says an LA source. ‘What started out as an "open" marital arrangement turned into something more serious. 'Christina's made no secret of her attraction to women. She's known Sam for years, but things got serious on that Mexico trip and since then she's spent more time with Sam. 'She wasn't happy in her marriage for a while and Sam's now a welcome distraction. She feels like her old self and is ready to let her hair down.' While Christina's reps deny she and Sam are lovers, last week an unidentified woman claimed in a UK paper that she'd been propositioned by the singer in LA gay bar The Abbey. The news won't come as a shock to her fans, though, as Christina, 29, has been open about her attraction to the fairer sex. In the June issue of US gay magazine Out, she revealed she had Jordan's blessing. ‘If I want to be sexual, it's for my own appreciation and enjoyment,' she said. ‘That's why I like to talk about the fact that sometimes I'm attracted to women. My husband knows I get into girls. I think it's fun to be open and play. We check in with each other, but I definitely love women. I think they're more attractive to the naked eye.' See Samantha Ronson leaving Christina Aguilera's house in Now Magazine dated 1 November - out now.
Frankie Sandford's relationship with McFly's Dougie Poynter is still rock solid after their split earlier this year. 'It's all good! Everyone was really happy when we got back together,' the 21-year-old tells Now. 'I do like a bit of cheekiness and Dougie's definitely got that - but he cleans the flat too! 'Splitting up was just something that we needed to do. It was tough having everyone knowing about it, though. 'I kept getting asked what was happening and I was like: "I don't even bloody know myself!"' During Frankie and Dougie's separation, she was linked to everyone from Ashley Cole to JLS's Aston. 'It was horrible,' she recalls. 'I was shocked that people were so interested in us and what lies could be printed.' See our exclusive photo shoot of The Saturdays and interview with Frankie Sanford in Now magazine dated 1 November 2010 - out now!
The glowing WAG has a great eating and exercise plan
A Friday night in with a delivery pizza, a movie and sweets is Abbey Clancy's idea of heaven
With her fiancé Peter Crouch hitting the 6ft 7in mark, Abbey Clancy's going to have her work cut out when her inevitably lanky baby arrives in March. So you can't blame a girl for doing everything to prepare her 5ft 9in petite frame for what's to come. A source close to the 24-year-old WAG and footie star Peter, 29, tells Now: ‘Abbey's taking her pregnancy diet very seriously. She's always been conscious of what she eats but now she's gorging on loads of fruit and vegetables. ‘She can't get enough of carbs either. She eats loads of toast for breakfast but she's also drinking lots of herbal tea and eating yogurt with granola. Abbey's been able to treat herself to junk food but only occasionally.' 'She's craving pizza and sweets. A Friday night in with a delivery pizza, a movie and sweets is her idea of heaven.' The bubbly Liverpudlian, who's four-and-a-half months pregnant, said recently she thought she was expecting a boy, ‘because on the scans it's too boisterous to be a little girl!' See the full story about Abbey Clancy in Now magazine dated 1 November 2010 - out now!
Cheryl Cole's ex-husband Ashley Cole said to have asked pal to put him in touch with actress Jessica Lowndes
Ashley Cole broke X Factor judge Cheryl Cole's heart
Ashley Cole is reportedly trying to get 90210 star Jessica Lowndes to go on a date with him. The Chelsea footballer is hoping to move on from ex-wife Cheryl Cole with the actress, 21. 'Ashley saw her on TV and liked what he saw,' a source tells The Sun.
'He has connections in the industry and wanted to get in touch. You can see why he likes her - she looks like Cheryl.' The X Factor judge Cheryl, 27, split from Ashley, 29, in February after he allegedly cheated on her with a string of women. The Girls Aloud star was granted a divorce in September. Ashley has since been linked to ex-lapdancer Sarah Purnell.
Russell Brand's new bride is a fan of The X Factor judge
Katy Perry would love to perform with Cheryl Cole
Katy Perry has just become Mrs RussellBrand, but the I Kissed A Girl (And I Liked It) singer has a bit of a crush on X Factor judge CherylCole. She totally understands why Justin Bieber called her and Cheryl ‘the hottest girls in the world'. 'I think it's super-cute - I can only say that he has very good taste,' Katie, 25, tells Now. 'I'm a little bit in love with Cheryl. I'd love to perform with her and I think a great time to do it would be at Simon Cowell's wedding - what else do you get the man who has everything? 'Midway through the set we'd have to get Jedward to jump out of a cake just to see Simon's face!'
We really wish were were making this up, but: Mastercard is coming out with a prepaid, Kardashian-based credit card. The item will be available to consumers on November 10 - and we'll just let Kim take it from here, as we must go purchase canned goods for the upcoming Apocalypse: "I am so excited to reveal to you guys that Kourtney, Khloe and I have partnered with Mobile Resource Card to create our very own Kardashian Prepaid Mastercard," Kim blogged today.
Kontinued Kardashian: "To me, the coolest thing about this prepaid card is that when you get the card you also get a Mobile Mone account for free and you can transfer your money between your accounts when you need it, using your phone. It’s like having an ATM in your phone, LOL. No one likes going to banks and ATMs and we’re constantly on our phones, so why not make it easy to manage your money from your mobile!?" We don't have an answer for that, Kim. Or for what's become of society.
Many celebrity gossip followers were surprised by yesterday's divorce announcement from Tish and Billy Ray Cyrus. But sources say one person was aware this was coming a long time ago: Miley Cyrus. “Miley knew about the divorce awhile ago and she’s been taking it really hard," a friend told Hollywood Life. "Pretty much at the same time, she broke up with [Liam Hemsworth], Hannah Montana was ending and then her parents’ marriage was falling apart."
Left: Tish Cyrus make her first appearance since her divorce goes public. Right: Miley grabs Liam by the hand.
In a quest for what this insider describes as "normalcy and structure" in her life, Miley got back together with Liam in September.
“She got super stressed out and that’s really when she started acting out more," says the source. "Plus, her parents really like him and so she’s trying to make it work. She’s just doing the best she can.”
More than ever, Miley will now be counted on to be the rock of her family. We don't always agree with her professional decisions, but we do wish her the best in overcoming this personal obstacle.
Mariah Carey confirmed her pregnancy today. Tracy Young is waiting for Kim Zolciak to do the same. In response to Young telling Star that her ex-girlfriend is pregnant with Kroy Biermann's child, Zolciack Tweeted yesterday that the rumor is "hilarious." Not exactly a denial, but not an admission, either.
Tracy Young claims this is photographic evidence that Kim Zolciak is knocked up. Are you buying it?
Now, Young has spoken out again, telling the tabloid:
"While I was staying at her house in Atlanta, I watched Kim do numerous pregnancy tests all of which came back positive... For her to deny it is ridiculous, but it doesn't surprise me in the least. It's typical Kim with an agenda. Who knows what that is. Maybe her own show?"
Despite sounding bitter, Young has a final message for her ex:
Angelina Pivarnick, formerly of Jersey Shore before she quit both of the seasons so far, chatted it up with Detroit’s Mojo In The Morning radio show Thursday. She spoke about as eloquently as youse would expect. The self proclaimed Kim K. of Staten Island said the reason she bailed "was because I was getting bullied by all of them and they were trying to ... like, you know abuse me and it was just ridiculous. There was a drama fight everyday."
BULLYING VICTIM: Angelina Pivarnick claims she is, anyway.
Pivarnick said her "principles" kept her from attending the second season's reunion show, as she didn’t plan going there on bended knee and apologizing. "To them, I owe them something and I, they need, they want me to go on hands and knees and beg for forgiveness. That's not the type of person I am." The last image Jersey Shore viewers have of Pivarnick was her getting her ass kicked in a brawl with fellow cast member Snooki prior to leaving for good. Pivarnick said she and Snooki "cant stand each other," which she hinted might have been borne out of romantic jealousy over Vinny Guadagnino. Vin smashed both at various points in Season 2. Snooki "got mad at me for having sex with Vinny," Pivarnick said, noting that “Meanwhile she was bringing guys home and he was bringing girls home." "I had no idea that she actually like Vinny in that way, like, I had no idea and you know she never explained to me, like hey don’t touch Vinny whatever."
IN THE SMASH ROOM: Vingelina smush it real good.
"It’s so funny ‘cause it’s like me getting blamed for it but, Vinny’s the one who antagonized the whole entire thing of me hooking up with him," Ange said. Yes, that's the only thing funny about it. "He's the one that came at me first," she says of Guadagnino. "He's the one that was like flirting with me, but then she gets mad at me.” Pivarnick said Snooki was trying to make her "look like a ho." "How am I a slut when I hooked up with Vinny like I had sex with him the whole two months I was there,” Pivarnick said, labeling Snooks a hypocrite. “But then it's OK as soon as the episodes where she was having a guy in the bed?” She has a good point ... we think. It's hard to understand her.
Charlie Sheen allegedly caused $7,000 in damages to the Plaza Hotel this week and has offered to pay the bill for his drunken rampage. While the actor's checkbook is out, a source tells Radar Online he also might wanna make things right with Capri Anderson. A new report claims this porn star also works as an escort, and that Sheen "ordered" her from a service. "Charlie had never met [Christina Walsh, Capri's real name] until that night," the insider says. "Christina was supposed to be paid $12,000. By the time the crazy night was over, she never got paid because Charlie flipped out."
This acquaintance of Anderson's says the adult film actress is "more than a porn star" and has someone in Los Angeles schedule dates for her.
“She’s furious because he still NEVER paid her! And she’s determined to get her money one way or the other, so she’s shopping her story," the source says. "Saying she’ll go to the district attorney makes her story more valuable she thinks and puts pressure on Charlie.”
It's true that Anderson has hired a lawyer and may take action that jeopardizes Sheen's probation.
But is it even possible for Charlie Sheen to feel pressure at this point? Consider all he's done, consider all the public knows and consider that CBS gave him a raise this summer. It's hard to imagine what Capri Anderson could do or say that affects Sheen one bit.
Howard K. Stern has been found guilty of contributing to the death of Anna Nicole Smith, his former client, confidant and longtime cash cow. A Los Angeles Superior Court convicted Smith's ex-lover on two counts of conspiracy today - giving false names and acting by fraud to obtain prescriptions - determining that he helped fuel the late starlet's fatal drug habit. Dr. Khristine Eroshevich was also convicted of four charges; while another physician who treated her, Dr. Sandeep Kapoor, was cleared on all counts.
Looks like Howard K. Stern is off to prison.
Sentencing for both parties is scheduled for January 6, but D.A. spokeswoman Sandi Gibbons said outside of court this afternoon that "both defendants are looking at possible maximum of at least three years in state prison."
The D.A's office still has the opportunity to reduce or limit sentencing to some of the misdemeanor charges. Whether that happens is another story.
Stern was a longtime attorney for Smith and spent many weeks arguing that he, not Larry Birkhead, was the father of Anna Nicole's daughter, Dannielynn.
He was acquitted on seven other charges, including unlawfully prescribing a controlled substance and obtaining a prescription for an opiate using false info.
It appeared the case, which the jury deliberated nearly two weeks, was headed for a mistrial as recently as this morning, but the jury came to a consensus.
PETA has made an enticing offer to Lindsay Lohan. If the troubled actress agrees to give up meat, the animal rights group will agree to take over her rehab bill! That's gonna be one big ass bill too! After hearing that Lindsay, who was ordered back to rehab instead of jail last week, has fallen on "tough economic times" as a result, PETA wrote this letter ...
Should Lindsay go vegetarian? It could be worth a lot to her ...
"Dear Lindsay, we understand that you've fallen on tough economic times, so we're writing to you with an offer that we sincerely hope you'll consider." "PETA will pay your bill for substance addiction treatment if you'll rid yourself of one more toxic substance: meat. A crucial part of recovery is showing charity to others. One way to do this is to be kind to animals, the Earth, and your body." "You'll never regret it." "When animals are crammed together on factory farms, disease spreads fast, so cows, chickens, and other animals are fed large amounts of antibiotics to make them grow quickly and keep them alive in filthy conditions that would otherwise kill them." "A clean, tasty vegan diet provides all the nutrients you need, minus contaminants, saturated fat, and cholesterol that are found in animal flesh, eggs, and dairy foods. Vegans also have stronger immune systems than meat-eaters." "Please let us know if you'd like to take us up on our offer." Somehow we don't see it happening. Though who knows, Lindsay Lohan did ditch one kind of meat in favor of a change of pace, if you know what we mean. We mean dudes, in favor of vadge. Not quite veg, but close!
Jessica Simpson might be pregnant. That's the brilliant deduction of the National Enquirer, after one of the star’s friends came to them and told them Simpson and her BF are about to become parents. "Jessica is crazy in love with [Eric Johnson], so they’ve decided to make a baby. She always said she wanted to be pregnant by the time she was 30," said this pal.
Is Jessica Simpson pregnant? Or just gaining weight again?
The compelling testimony continues: "Her priorities have changed. All she can think of is motherhood. She’s happily eating for two and not the least embarrassed.” Simpson’s pregnancy would certainly explain her putting on some weight in the last couple of months, however she's been through that cycle naturally in the past. Still, another friend said: "A pregnancy explains her sudden weight gain. Two months ago, she bragged she was in the best shape of her life on Eric’s vegan diet." Coincidence? The friend also notes that "the biggest tipoff is that Jess has been hinting to friends that there will be some big news any day from her and Eric.” Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson, a former NFL player, have been dating since May, and recently, the couple went to Italy to celebrate Jessica’s 30th birthday. They seem to spend a lot of their time together and give the impression of a healthy and happy relationship. She gushes about him at every opportunity. Then, at the beginning of this month, Simpson vomited during a show, which led everyone to the conclusion that rumors about her pregnancy might be true. A few days ago she stated that she is eager to start a family with her boyfriend Eric and would want to give birth to a baby. Could it be happening next year? We doubt it, highly. But it makes for fun speculation.