According to their birth dates, Carey (born May 28, 1985) and Tom (born December 21, 1985) are a “match made in heaven.” Have you ever heard the expression, “if you love something, set it free…?” Yeah, well, that’s a load of garbage. In this case, it’s more like “if you love something, grab onto it with both hands and don’t let go.”
Their relationship assessment reveals Carrie and Tom have it all: they’re “physically attracted to each other, they provide each other with unwavering emotional support, and they dig each other’s vibe.” It basically “looks like they’re perfectly matched.”
Carrie and Tom are both “great at identifying with each other, they instinctively understand each other’s needs and moods, and they can practically finish each other’s sentences.” It’s essentially like “dating your best friend…who you want to see naked.”
So does this mean we’re allowed to squee about Murridge (what do you think? CarStu?)? It certainly sounds like the pair would be perfect together - let’s just hope something’s going down at Carey’s Best Western suite!
[Photo: Splash News Online]
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