Every October a stream of pictures roll in of various celebrities out at something called the Mr. Bones Pumpkin Patch in Los Angeles. Now look, we live in New York City, where we buy pumpkins at the grocery store like every other regular person. Obviously we’re a bit clueless as to how people do things in LA (Cars? What are those?) but we have to imagine there are other places to buy pumpkins in the greater Los Angeles area than just the paparazzi-filled Mr. Bones. Which can only mean one thing…THIS is where celebrities go to be seen in October!
Whether you’re Shauna Sands and you are trying to draw attention to your rubber breasts by holding pumpkins in front of them, or you’re Christina Aguilera and you want to deflect attention from your crumbling career and marriage, there is only one place for you: Mr. Bone’s Pumpkin patch, where the only thing scarier than the paparazzi are the celebrities posing for them.
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