Juan James Rodriguez has apologized for running naked in front of President Barack Obama during a weekend campaign stop in Philadelphia in hopes of snagging a $1 million grand prize issued by a wealthy online prankster.
Rodriguez, 24, was arrested Sunday night for public lewdness after streaking 25 feet away from the president.
“I just ripped off my clothes, then I made my way away from the crowd so no one would get hurt,” Rodriguez told TV’s Inside Edition Wednesday. “Ran past the cameras away from everybody and then knelt down with my hands behind my head and waited for the cops to come.”
Rodriguez — an unemployed, father of three, who is separarted from his wife — said he pulled the stunt in hopes of claiming a $1 million to help his family — but he never meant to embarrass the president.
“Mr. Obama, if you feel I disrespected you in any way, I’m very sorry for that,” he said.
Rodriguez faces charges of public lewdness, indecent exposure, and disorderly conduct.
The billionaire who issued the challenge, Alki David, nonetheless argues that Rodriguez did not meet a major requirement of his challenge: He never got Obama to personally see him naked. However, Alki — who owns BattleCam.com — says that doesn’t mean Rodriguez will walk away empty-handed. He’s providing the cash-strapped Rodriguez with a “generous consolation prize,” that he insists will leave the New Yorker “overjoyed … beyond his wildest dreams.”
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