Their vehicle was pulled over while the duo was in Las Vegas and cops found some illicit substances. Both, were subsequently, jailed.
There wasn’t an incredible amount of drugs found in the car, which rules out a long sentence for distribution. However, the incident could prove especially damaging for T.I.
He just finished up a reduced sentence for attempting to purchase guns and fire-arm paraphernalia from undercover cops. He’s a felon, which makes the aforementioned a big no-no.
T.I. received a much lighter sentence then he could have. In fact, many people considered his sentence an extremely light one, considering the charges. Well, that big break could prove moot.
Because a drug charge would definitely mean that he violated his probation, he faces a pretty stiff jail sentence if his lawyer can’t get him out of this one. His hearing is scheduled for October 15th, which gives T.I. and his team less then 2 weeks to work out a successful strategy.
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