In case you haven't heard, Justin Bieber is a hit with the ladies.
With that base in mind, the singer is targeting only the fairer gender with an upcoming product. No offense, guys, but the artist has made it clear for whom his new perfume will be intended.
“It’s for my female fans. I want to create something that will have the girls go crazy," he told People. "Most male celebrities do male colognes for other males. I think that me making a female fragrance is just a different idea and I think it’s going to be successful."

With that base in mind, the singer is targeting only the fairer gender with an upcoming product. No offense, guys, but the artist has made it clear for whom his new perfume will be intended.
“It’s for my female fans. I want to create something that will have the girls go crazy," he told People. "Most male celebrities do male colognes for other males. I think that me making a female fragrance is just a different idea and I think it’s going to be successful."

To be clear, this product is different than the scented-filled items Bieber will also be coming out with in 2011, as the artist continues to grow his brand and his popularity.
What will be next? Perhaps a line of eyewear. It would make sense, wouldn't it?
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