These words, excerpted from Oksana Grigorieva emails sent to Mel Gibson just before their mediation in May, are a big part of what his lawyers believe prove attempted extortion took place between the actor and his estranged ex.
Oksana sent the emails May 2, two weeks before she and Mel went into mediation which resulted in a $15 million package for Oksana and baby Lucia.

Do Oksana Grigorieva's emails reveal sinister intentions?
In the email, Oksana Grigorieva accuses Mel and his family of leaking stories about their breakup, specifically ones that "claim you dumped me."Mel's lawyers believe the emails show Oksana as a manipulator, someone not fearful of Gibson at all, but merely scheming to extort his millions.
Oksana writes, "Does your family think that my modesty and class could pass for stupidity?" She adds, "Do they think that I will let them carry on with ruining my reputation, which was unblemished before i ever layed eyes on you?"
"The facts are stubborn things, information is power, you told me so yourself."
Oksana has accused Mel of assault. In a court declaration, he admits slapping her but says it was a one-time thing and done to protect Lucia.
It seemed that in spite of their history, Oksana even wanted Mel back, writing, "Untill this morning I was still missing you so much and secretly wanted and hoped for us to be together again." Clearly that didn't work out.
Oksana accuses Gibson's wife, Robyn, and daughter, Hannah, of waging a "silent war" against her, complaining, "Are you a little boy, or are you a man? Why are you so easily influence by your mommy Robyn?" Ouch ... burn.
Oh, and she even references the Mel Gibson tapes.
"As far as the tapes go, I only played one to my lawyer," Oksana claims via email. "Becouse on march 15 Michelle proposed on ur behalf not a very generous gift for our daughter and there was nothing for me."
"My lawyers also told me that tom Hansen said i woudn get a penny and more importaunly, my lawyers warned me that ur laywers are capaple of false fabrication about me in press, i.e., an unfit mother, a prostitute etc. so you can have the baby and I get to go to my moth hole as u told me."
"Too much evidence, my dear."
Well ... there you have it. While Gibson has some serious problems, and while it's hard to say this "proves" extortion was committed, it's looking more and more like Oksana is not the innocent victim she appears to be.
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