James Cameron - Avatar for Clean Air
Photo: Photo credit by Broddi via FlickrThe November election is just days away and at the forefront of this years’ heated battles sits Proposition 23. Heavily backed by out-of-state oil companies it has the potential to undo much of what California has already gained in the fight for clean air and clean technology leadership. With so much at stake, Hollywood is stepping forward with the power of its influential muscle to beat back the profit centric oil conglomerates and make sure Californians vote NO on Prop 23. Loosely veiled as a pro job aid proposition, there’s a lot more to this issue than most people realize and Hollywood heavy hitters like James Cameron, Robert Redford, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Edward James Olmos, Amy Smart and David Arquette, among many others, are working hard to get the truth out there and educate the public about what Prop 23 would really do to further damage the California economy and cripple clean air efforts.
Subsidized predominantly by out-of-state finance and oil companies, including Texas-based Valero and Tesoro Corp. (who have collectively put over $5m into the campaign), Prop 23 would suspend California’s landmark 2006 Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32) until the state unemployment level stays below 5.5% for a full year. AB 32 requires California to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 and has been seen by many as a catalyst to the clean tech/ renewable energy industry boom in the state. While unemployment in California currently sits at 12% and jobs are indeed badly needed, it’s interesting to note that the unemployment rate in California has only fallen below 5.5% three times since 1970. Many see this measure as a ruse to indefinitely delay climate change actions. It also doesn’t take into account the fact that California is now leading in the clean tech arena and with its burgeoning green industry supported by the state’s current initiatives, new job growth in this sector has a greater potential to right the California economy than the damage to economic growth that passing Prop 23 would have. Speaking to this point at a rally last week, environmental advocate Van Jones, was quoted as saying that Prop 23 “threatens to kill off California's green tech industry, one of the few bright spots in job growth even as other countries, like China, invest in green technology development”. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, also on the attack against the oil companies and right wing groups bankrolling Prop 23, warned that the ballot initiative would not only cripple clean technology – the fastest growing sector of California's economy, but would delay the planned 2012 launch of a regional carbon trading market that could help spur California’s economic growth even further.
One of the biggest questions Prop 23 poses is just why Texas oil companies and out-of-state financial moguls should be influencing air quality standards in California to begin with. Hollywood’s NO on Prop 23 champions are shouting out against the very thought. Director James Cameron, one voice among many who care about both the health of Californians and humanity’s future, has backed the campaign against Proposition 23 with a $1million infusion. Longtime Hollywood environmental icon Robert Redford slammed Prop. 23 in recorded calls that went out last week saying, "Texas oil companies paid to put Prop. 23 on your ballot and if they are successful, it will repeal California's historic clean air and energy laws. Prop. 23 will result in more air pollution and will kill hundreds of thousands of clean energy jobs in California." Lending his own quirky twist to the campaign against Prop 23, David Arquette threw in with environmental groups to star in a series of online viral videos aimed at younger voters labeled the "Don't Mess with California" campaign. Arquette, a firm believer that supporting the environment is too important to ignore, was quoted as saying, "My belief is that the most important aspect of celebrity is you can raise awareness, lend your name and support to certain things and get people talking. That's why I'm here."
This is absolutely an environmental issue too big to ignore and Hollywood is showing its support for California’s leadership in the green economy. Maybe it’s time to really think about what’s important to your future and future generations. Get out there, get active and vote for California’s future.
Subsidized predominantly by out-of-state finance and oil companies, including Texas-based Valero and Tesoro Corp. (who have collectively put over $5m into the campaign), Prop 23 would suspend California’s landmark 2006 Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32) until the state unemployment level stays below 5.5% for a full year. AB 32 requires California to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 and has been seen by many as a catalyst to the clean tech/ renewable energy industry boom in the state. While unemployment in California currently sits at 12% and jobs are indeed badly needed, it’s interesting to note that the unemployment rate in California has only fallen below 5.5% three times since 1970. Many see this measure as a ruse to indefinitely delay climate change actions. It also doesn’t take into account the fact that California is now leading in the clean tech arena and with its burgeoning green industry supported by the state’s current initiatives, new job growth in this sector has a greater potential to right the California economy than the damage to economic growth that passing Prop 23 would have. Speaking to this point at a rally last week, environmental advocate Van Jones, was quoted as saying that Prop 23 “threatens to kill off California's green tech industry, one of the few bright spots in job growth even as other countries, like China, invest in green technology development”. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, also on the attack against the oil companies and right wing groups bankrolling Prop 23, warned that the ballot initiative would not only cripple clean technology – the fastest growing sector of California's economy, but would delay the planned 2012 launch of a regional carbon trading market that could help spur California’s economic growth even further.
One of the biggest questions Prop 23 poses is just why Texas oil companies and out-of-state financial moguls should be influencing air quality standards in California to begin with. Hollywood’s NO on Prop 23 champions are shouting out against the very thought. Director James Cameron, one voice among many who care about both the health of Californians and humanity’s future, has backed the campaign against Proposition 23 with a $1million infusion. Longtime Hollywood environmental icon Robert Redford slammed Prop. 23 in recorded calls that went out last week saying, "Texas oil companies paid to put Prop. 23 on your ballot and if they are successful, it will repeal California's historic clean air and energy laws. Prop. 23 will result in more air pollution and will kill hundreds of thousands of clean energy jobs in California." Lending his own quirky twist to the campaign against Prop 23, David Arquette threw in with environmental groups to star in a series of online viral videos aimed at younger voters labeled the "Don't Mess with California" campaign. Arquette, a firm believer that supporting the environment is too important to ignore, was quoted as saying, "My belief is that the most important aspect of celebrity is you can raise awareness, lend your name and support to certain things and get people talking. That's why I'm here."
This is absolutely an environmental issue too big to ignore and Hollywood is showing its support for California’s leadership in the green economy. Maybe it’s time to really think about what’s important to your future and future generations. Get out there, get active and vote for California’s future.
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