Liam Neeson better get fitted for a mouth guard and stay away from any and all hot tubs in the near future, because apparently Neeson is replacing Mel Gibson in The Hangover 2. The actor’s rep confirmed, “It’s true pending clearance of cast and crew background check,” which will hopefully weed out the strange new P.A. who looks lot like Mel in blond wig and heels. Liam seems thrilled about the casting choice, gushing, “I just got a call to do a one-day shoot on Hangover 2 as a tattooist in Thailand, and that’s all I know about it. I just laughed my leg off when I saw The Hangover, I was shooting in Berlin earlier this year and rented it on the hotel TV.” First you laugh your leg off, and then Mel Gibson chews it off after he sneaks into your trailer. Either way, it’s a movie you’ll never forget!
An insider working on The Hangover 2 reportedly confirmed that it was Mel’s currently reputation (i.e. demonic possession) that got him dropped from the film, revealing, “They don’t want him to be in the movie and serve as a platform for some creepy comeback. They didn’t want that energy or to shoulder what would come with having him apart of the film.” We are only half joking when say this switcheroo is the thing that will finally send Gibson over to the dark side. We mean, Mel Gibson charged a baby rent; you seriously think he will take this slight lying down? [Photos: Splash News Online]
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