Paris had traveled to the Eastern country via a private jet for a promotional tour but ended up having to cancel because of her recent guilty plea on drug charges. Japanese laws are extremely strict about letting people into their country guilty of drug charges.
If a person has any type of convictions, celebrity are not, they run the risk of being barred from the country. This is generally without exception (though not always). Mega-celebrities Paul McCartney and Diego Maradona have run into similar problems.
Paris initially traveled to Japan to promote two of her lines, one for fragrances and the other for clothing. After arriving, she was quickly detained at the airport and forced to stay overnight at a local hotel. She was forced to take questions from officials for at least 6 hours.
Upon heading back to the States without participating in her plan promotional responsibilities, Paris connected with her fans the same way that most celebs do nowadays, via twitter. She wrote, “Going home now. So disappointed to miss my fans in Asia. I promise to come back soon. I love you all! Love Paris xoxo.”
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